Thursday, May 20, 2010

Interesting Article

"Emanating Love", Article by Matt Monarch

The following information is for education only and is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or treat illness. It is valuable to seek the advice of an alternative health care professional before making any changes.

I like to think of all of our emotional experiences and feelings as either connected to 'positive' energy or 'negative' energy. Any energetic experience that seems like it would feel 'good' to most people, I think of as 'positive energy' and any type of energetic expericence that doesn't feel 'good', I term 'negative energy'. For example, feelings such as love, happiness, and joy, are 'positive energies' to me and feelings such as fear, sadness, and guilt are 'negative energy'.

It is scientifically proven that when we experience positive energies, health and healing flourish within the body, whereas when 'negative' energies such as fear or stress are experienced regularly, this can lead to damage in the body. For example, if a pregnant woman experiences negative energies, the growth of the fetus is said to be disrupted and even halts in some cases. You can imagine what can happen if a pregnant woman is consistently unhappy and feeling stressed on an ongoing basis. I feel that this is one of the key reasons it is so important for preganant women to be in a blissful, positive state as much as possible.

I feel that the root of all 'positive' energy is LOVE and the root of all 'negative' energy is FEAR. I believe that experiencing the feeling of LOVE not only helps people to find personal healing, but it also has the potential to heal others and impact the whole Universe TREMENDOUSLY.

Simply directing LOVE to another individual, plant, or animal will help to aid the healing process of that entity. This is also scientifically proven. As documented in the book "The Secret life of Plants", experiments have been conducted where plants are wired up to machines that indicate the energetic responses of the plants. When these plants are talked to and treated with love, they experience vibration and healing throughout their plant beings, which promotes their growth. However, if a human merely has the intention to harm the plant, the energy within that plant shifts and contracts. Another example of the impact that loving connections with those around us can have might be the shared joy that can be exchanged when a dog runs to a person for petting; the dog seems to be seeking to engage in the energy of LOVE.

I feel that one of the MOST IMPORTANT things to be aware of in terms of experiencing LOVE at any given moment, is that it aids and impacts the Universe and every single being within it. I sense that there is no consciousness as powerful as the collective human consciousness. Whatever you or I are feeling (Love or Fear) at any given moment, impacts this Universe. For example, someone may be experiencing pain from the loss of a loved one or something similar and the mother of that person in pain will often sense this discomfort and contact their child immediately to check on them; we are all connected.

There is a collective human consciousness, to which we are all connected, all the time, whether we are aware of it or not. Any of us can choose to 'tune into' that human consciousness right now and see what the majority of humans seem to be experiencing. For example, I remember a couple of years back when there was an online worldwide meditation called 'Fire the Grid', which became more popular than any meditation experience I've ever witnessed. Everyone was asked to meditate at a particular exact time, to send love and healing throughout our world and beyond. When myself and others tuned in to the meditation at this time, it felt very clear that a strong presence of LOVE was emanating globally.

If half or more of the humans on the planet at any given moment are experiencing love, then on a subtle level, more bliss can be experienced by everyone. On the flip-side, if half or more of the people at any given moment are feeling fear, it can be sensed by all. For example, you may wake up feeling perfectly healthy and there is nothing obvious for you to feel sad about, yet something just doesn't feel 'right'; the cause of this uneasiness might be your sensitivity to the overall collective consiousness at that moment. Another example could be the day when Michael Jackson passed over recently. Strong emotions of love and sadness were experienced by literally MILLIONS of people worldwide. This love and sadness could be felt in the air. I'm sure that even people who didn't have any attachment to Michael Jackson could feel this powerful energy.

LOVE can travel from California to India in a split second. If you send love and healing energy to a relative in India, for example, all the way from California, it can be experienced by the other instanteously, even if only at a subtle level. This is why praying for others can be so profoundly healing, as it usually involves sending LOVE to another being.

My belief is that emanating LOVE affects your own health, the healing and well-being of others, and the entire Universe. Emanating FEAR, on the other hand, does the exact opposite. With this is mind, why on Earth would it not be everyone's goal to emanate LOVE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE! In fact, I feel that this is our primary purpose in life. I feel that there is nothing we can do right now that is more powerful for the Universe, human consciousness, and every living being than emanating LOVE. Why is it said that to be happiest in life, it is best to do what we LOVE? It's because we then experience LOVE so much more, which benefits us, everyone else around us, and the whole Universe. This flow of LOVE helps to create the most positive, smooth evolution possible for mankind.

It is understandable that someone may think emanating LOVE consistently on an daily basis is easier said than done. Sometimes we can feel emotionally down and that there is nothing we can do to get out of that rut. In my experience, meditation has the potential to lift a person out of this kind of rut, or at least improve the situation. Again, when you improve your energetic situation, not only does it improve your health, it also affects the ENTIRE UNIVERSE.

Meditation is awareness: giving your undivided and UNWAIVERING attention to something. Simply meditating or being aware of what you are experiencing can immediately improve any 'negative' energetic situation. LOVE is a massively healing power. If you are in emotional pain, you can look at that pain with awareness (love) and begin to heal it. My personal meditation technique is to search my entire energetic structure for any 'negative' energy. If I discover such an energy, I focus on that pain with unwaivering attention, and I notice that the negative feeling starts to heal and dissipates. I've gone through some intense bouts of meditation where all 'negative' emotional pains completely vanished. All that was left was absolute bliss and LOVE, emanating from my being out into the Universe.

In conclusion, I feel that LOVE heals ourselves, other beings, and the entire Universe. It seems silly then, to me, to not seek out LOVE as a purpose and driving force in life.

I LOVE my wife, I LOVE my family, I LOVE the trees, I LOVE the Universe... AND...

I LOVE YOU!!! :-)

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