Saturday, March 6, 2010

15 KEYS video - LIVE at Cam's


  1. Sorry for the dark crappy camera, everyone! Cam's needs a new cam! :)

  2. Awesome!

    I think that CAM'S CAFE (Camellia Sinensis House of Curiosities and Tea Parlour & Wi-Fi Cafe IS THE BEST THING TO HIT the city of Union!

    Every person of every age should go and have some awesome "TEA," something to eat, something sweet, check out the little shop with items for sale, and attend the rock bands, folk music, poetry readings, movies, art exhibits, and the other millions of creative things going on amidst the cool music playing, the great ambiance, a fantastic owner/lady names "Alissa," and all this work done in the heart of winter/blizzards!

    AMAZING! Check it out! I am shocked!

    We finally have a place to go, meet people, relax, drink hot tea & eat & talk, use our laptop for free, feel welcomed, laugh, get away and just "chill," knowing that's it's our NEW:


    Thank you, Liss! Welcome to Union!

    I know YOU CHOSE US!
    You can surely bet we will all show our appreciation to such a fine, classy, young woman, such as yourself.
    With my warmest regards, and thanks,
    Dr. Mike
